Dekalb Agriculture Technology & Environment, Inc.

Active Enrollment Phases 2025-2026
- Open Enrollment- March 3rd- 29th
- Open Enrollment is Closed
- District code : DATE-GA
- Next Steps : Once your application is submitted, we will begin the process of review-submission of your Application into our Lottery Selection Process. Our Lottery Selection will be on April 2, 2025, at 10:00am here in our Annex (George A. Jones Annex, next to the main office).
- You may also view it live streamed on DATE Academy Youtube Channel:DATE YOUTUBE CHANNELIf you are selected, you will receive an email with next steps. All other applicants will be placed on our Waiting List, a tool used to replenish our vacancies throughout the 2025-26 school year.
Tours will be conducted at 7:30 am every Friday in the month of March. *Please put on Hazard lights to indicate parking needed* There will not be a tour Friday, March 7, 2025 due to Virtual Learning Day for students. School will be closed for all students. Professional Development Day for Teachers.
- Lottery – April 2nd

Application Process
Open enrollment applications will be available March 1st.
Who is considered an applicant?Any child that is not enrolled at DATE Academy is an applicant. For your convenience, the application can be translated into over 50 languages. Before submitting your application, please revert to the English version for submission.
Who is eligible to attend DATE Academy?All Dekalb County residents are eligible to attend.
What grade levels are offered at DATE Academy?Kindergarten through 8th grade.
What are the age requirements for attendance?Under-Age Exception Rule
E557 Underage student reported in GRADE LEVEL'KK' or
'01'. Student age should be at least 5 years old for GRADE
LEVEL='KK' or 6 years old for GRADE LEVEL='01' by
September 1
O.C.G.A. §20-2-150 (b) -Exception to UK and U1 Coding:
A child who was a legal resident of one or more other states for a period of two years
immediately prior to moving to this state and who was legally enrolled in a public kindergarten
or first grade, or a kindergarten or first grade accredited by a state or regional association, shall
be eligible for enrollment in the appropriate general or special education programs authorized
in this part if such child will attain the age of five for kindergarten or six for first grade by
December 31 and is otherwise qualified.
Is anyone given preference in the enrollment process?Yes.
Sibling of current students
Children of Staff members
All placement of siblings will be predicated on space availability.
How does D.A.T.E. define siblings for purposes of preferences?Sibling is a person with whom a current student shares a residence, and maternal parent in common by blood, adoption or marriage, even if the marriage has been dissolved, or by death.
Is there a registration checklist Needed for sibling enrollment and upon acceptance?1- Social Security Card/Copy and Original
2- Birth Certificate/Copy and Original
3- Form 3300/Eye, Ear and Dental
4- Form 3231 Immunization
5- Proof of Residency (2 forms of proof utility, lease, gas, etc.......)
6- Current School Discipline Report/Report Card
*** All documents should be scanned and submitted electronically when applications are complete. No paper documents will be accepted. ***