Dekalb Agriculture Technology & Environment, Inc.
Career Paths
Starting in Grade 3, students begin the Robotics program where they learn :
- basic mechanics
- build projects
- logic blocks
- EV3 robots
- Team & Individual Projects
The Pathway program goes from 5th to 8th grade. The Program includes one of the three pathways with a 4 year track. The pathway courses will be available on an A/B day rotation. On the day of the pathway course, students will report to that class for all four 9 weeks of the school year. On the opposite days, students will still be in a random 9 week rotation of the traditional specials’ courses.

Steam Bus
The S.T.E.A.M. Bus comes to your location to provide a “hands on” learning expedition field trip. Students will be able to step into a (mobile lab school bus) world of exploration and discovery, while understanding various concepts of S.T.E.A.M. Our students at the Academy will guide your children into a unique world of technology turbulence and enhance their creative imagination and artistic ability around science.